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Database authorization

Default YugabyteDB users and roles in YugabyteDB Aeon clusters

To manage database access and authorization, YugabyteDB uses role-based access control (RBAC), consisting of a collection of privileges on resources given to roles.

(For information on managing your YugabyteDB Aeon account users, refer to Manage account users.)

The YugabyteDB database on your YugabyteDB Aeon cluster includes a set of default users and roles in YSQL and YCQL.

YSQL default roles and users

To view the roles in your cluster, enter the following command:

yugabyte=> \du
                                                         List of roles
  Role name   |                         Attributes                         |                     Member of
 admin        | Create role, Create DB, Bypass RLS                         | {yb_superuser}
 postgres     | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
 yb_db_admin  | No inheritance, Cannot login                               | {}
 yb_extension | Cannot login                                               | {}
 yb_fdw       | Cannot login                                               | {}
 yb_superuser | Create role, Create DB, Cannot login, Bypass RLS           | {pg_read_all_stats,pg_signal_backend,yb_extension,yb_db_admin}
 yugabyte     | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}

The following table describes the default YSQL roles and users in YugabyteDB Aeon clusters.

Role Description
admin The default user for your cluster. If you added your own credentials during cluster creation, the user name will be the one you provided. Although not a superuser, this role is a member of yb_superuser, and you can use it to perform database operations, create other yb_superuser users, create extensions, and manage your cluster.
postgres Superuser role created during database creation. Not available to YugabyteDB Aeon users.
yb_db_admin Role that allows non-superuser users to create tablespaces and perform other privileged operations.
yb_extension Role that allows non-superuser users to create PostgreSQL extensions.
yb_fdw Role that allows non-superuser users to CREATE, ALTER, and DROP foreign data wrappers.
yb_superuser YugabyteDB Aeon only role. This role is assigned to the default cluster user (that is, admin) to perform all the required operations on the database, including creating other yb_superuser users. For security reasons, yb_superuser doesn't have YugabyteDB superuser privileges.
yugabyte Superuser role used during database creation, by Yugabyte support to perform maintenance operations, and for backups (ysql_dumps). Not available to YugabyteDB Aeon users.

Admin and yb_superuser

When creating a YugabyteDB cluster in YugabyteDB Aeon, you set up the credentials for your database admin user. For security reasons, this user does not have YugabyteDB superuser privileges; it is instead a member of yb_superuser, a role specific to YugabyteDB Aeon clusters.

Although not a superuser, yb_superuser includes sufficient privileges to perform all the required operations on a database, including creating other yb_superuser users, as follows:

  • Has the following role options: INHERIT, CREATEROLE, CREATEDB, and BYPASSRLS.

  • Member of the following roles: pg_read_all_stats, pg_signal_backend, yb_db_admin, and yb_extension.

yb_superuser is the highest privileged role you have access to in YugabyteDB Aeon. You can't delete, change the passwords, or login using the postgres or yugabyte superuser roles.


The yb_db_admin role is specific to YugabyteDB Aeon clusters and allows non-superuser roles to perform a number of privileged operations in a manner similar to a superuser, such as performing operations on objects it does not own.

yb_superuser and, by extension, the default database admin user, is a member of yb_db_admin.


The yb_extension role allows non-superuser roles to create extensions. A user granted this role can create all the extensions that are bundled in YugabyteDB. yb_superuser and, by extension, the default database admin user, is a member of yb_extension.

YCQL default roles and users

In YCQL, there is a single superuser called cassandra used during database creation. The default user (by default, admin) added when you created the cluster has superuser privileges in YCQL. As a superuser, you can delete the cassandra user if you choose to.

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