
Use the yb-master binary and its flags to configure the YB-Master server. The yb-master executable file is located in the bin directory of YugabyteDB home.


yb-master [ flag  ] | [ flag ]


./bin/yb-master \
--master_addresses,, \
--rpc_bind_addresses \
--fs_data_dirs "/home/centos/disk1,/home/centos/disk2" \

Online help

To display the online help, run yb-master --help from the YugabyteDB home directory:

./bin/yb-master --help

All flags

The following sections describe the flags considered relevant to configuring YugabyteDB for production deployments. For a list of all flags, see All YB-Master flags.

General flags


Shows version and build information, then exits.


Specifies the configuration file to load flags from.


Specifies a comma-separated list of all RPC addresses for yb-master consensus-configuration.


The number of comma-separated values should match the total number of YB-Master server (or the replication factor).




Specifies a comma-separated list of mount directories, where yb-master will add a yb-data/master data directory, master.err, master.out, and pg_data directory.


Changing the value of this flag after the cluster has already been created is not supported.


Specifies a comma-separated list of directories, where yb-master will store write-ahead (WAL) logs. This can be the same as one of the directories listed in --fs_data_dirs, but not a subdirectory of a data directory.

Default: Same value as --fs_data_dirs


Specifies the comma-separated list of the network interface addresses to which to bind for RPC connections.

The values used must match on all yb-master and yb-tserver configurations.

Default: Private IP address of the host on which the server is running, as defined in /home/yugabyte/master/conf/server.conf. For example:

egrep -i rpc /home/yugabyte/master/conf/server.conf

Make sure that the server_broadcast_addresses flag is set correctly if the following applies:

  • rpc_bind_addresses is set to
  • rpc_bind_addresses involves public IP addresses such as, for example,, which instructs the server to listen on all available network interfaces.

Specifies the public IP or DNS hostname of the server (with an optional port). This value is used by servers to communicate with one another, depending on the connection policy parameter.

Default: ""


Specifies the duration, in milliseconds, until a cached DNS resolution expires. When hostnames are used instead of IP addresses, a DNS resolver must be queried to match hostnames to IP addresses. By using a local DNS cache to temporarily store DNS lookups, DNS queries can be resolved quicker and additional queries can be avoided. This reduces latency, improves load times, and reduces bandwidth and CPU consumption.

Default: 60000 (1 minute)


If this value is changed from the default, make sure to add the same value to all YB-Master and YB-TSever configurations.

Specifies the policy that determines when to use private IP addresses for inter-node communication. Possible values are never, zone, cloud, and region. Based on the values of the geo-distribution flags.

Valid values for the policy are:

Default: never


Specifies the bind address for web server user interface access.



Specifies the web server monitoring port.

Default: 7000


Monitoring web server home.

Default: The www directory in the YugabyteDB home directory.


Location of the SSL certificate file (in .pem format) to use for the web server. If empty, SSL is not enabled for the web server.

Default: ""


Domain used for .htpasswd authentication. This should be used in conjunction with --webserver_password_file.

Default: ""


Location of .htpasswd file containing usernames and hashed passwords, for authentication to the web server.

Default: ""


If enabled, yb-master avoids launching any new index-backfill jobs on the cluster for all new YCQL indexes. You will need to run yb-admin backfill_indexes_for_table manually for indexes to be functional. See CREATE DEFERRED INDEX for reference.

Default: false


If enabled, indexes on the same (YCQL) table may be batched together during backfill, even if they were not deferred.

Default: true

YSQL flags



Ensure that enable_ysql values in yb-master configurations match the values in yb-tserver configurations.

Enables the YSQL API when value is true.

Default: true

Logging flags


Color messages logged to stderr (if supported by terminal).

Default: false


Buffer log messages logged at this level (or lower).

Valid values: -1 (don't buffer); 0 (INFO); 1 (WARN); 2 (ERROR); 3 (FATAL)

Default: 0


Buffer log messages for at most this many seconds.

Default: 30


Write log messages to stderr instead of logfiles.

Default: false


The directory to write yb-master log files.

Default: Same as --fs_data_dirs

Put additional links to the log files in this directory.

Default: ""


Prepend the log prefix to each log line.

Default: true


The maximum log size, in megabytes (MB). A value of 0 will be silently overridden to 1.

Default: 1800 (1.8 GB)


The minimum level to log messages. Values are: 0 (INFO), 1 (WARN), 2 (ERROR), 3 (FATAL).

Default: 0 (INFO)


Log messages at, or above, this level are copied to stderr in addition to log files.

Default: 2


Disable callhome diagnostics.

Default: true

Memory division flags

These flags are used to determine how the RAM of a node is split between the master process and other processes, including Postgres and a TServer process if present, as well as how to split memory inside of a master process between various internal components like the RocksDB block cache.


Ensure you do not oversubscribe memory when changing these flags: make sure the amount of memory reserved for the master process and TServer if present leaves enough memory on the node for Postgres, and any required other processes like monitoring agents plus the memory needed by the kernel.

Flags controlling the defaults for the other memory division flags

The memory division flags have multiple sets of defaults; which set of defaults is in force depends on these flags. Note that these defaults can differ between TServer and master.


If true, the defaults for the memory division settings take into account the amount of RAM and cores available and are optimized for using YSQL. If false, the defaults will be the old defaults, which are more suitable for YCQL but do not take into account the amount of RAM and cores available.

Default: false

If this flag is true then the memory division flag defaults change to provide much more memory for Postgres; furthermore, they optimize for the node size.

If these defaults are used for both TServer and master, then a node's available memory is partitioned as follows:

node RAM GiB (M): M  ≤  4 4 < M  ≤  8 8 < M  ≤  16 16 < M
TServer % 45% 48% 57% 60%
master % 20% 15% 10% 10%
Postgres % 25% 27% 28% 27%
other % 10% 10% 5% 3%

To read this table, take your node's available memory in GiB, call it M, and find the column who's heading condition M meets. For example, a node with 7 GiB of available memory would fall under the column labeled "4 < M ≤ 8" because 4 < 7 ≤ 8. The defaults for --default_memory_limit_to_ram_ratio on this node will thus be 0.48 for TServers and 0.15 for masters. The Postgres and other percentages are not set via a flag currently but rather consist of whatever memory is left after TServer and master take their cut. There is currently no distinction between Postgres and other memory except on YugabyteDB Aeon where a cgroup is used to limit the Postgres memory.

For comparison, when --use_memory_defaults_optimized_for_ysql is false, the split is TServer 85%, master 10%, Postgres 0%, and other 5%.

The defaults for the master process partitioning flags when --use_memory_defaults_optimized_for_ysql is true do not depend on the node size, and are described in the following table:

flag default
--db_block_cache_size_percentage 25
--tablet_overhead_size_percentage 0

Currently these are the same as the defaults when --use_memory_defaults_optimized_for_ysql is false, but may change in future releases.

Given the amount of RAM devoted to per tablet overhead, it is possible to compute the maximum number of tablet replicas (see allowing for tablet replica overheads); following are some sample values for selected node sizes using --use_memory_defaults_optimized_for_ysql:

total node GiB max number of tablet replicas max number of Postgres connections
4 240 30
8 530 65
16 1,250 130
32 2,700 225
64 5,500 370
128 11,000 550
256 22,100 730

These values are approximate because different kernels use different amounts of memory, leaving different amounts of memory for the TServer and thus the per-tablet overhead TServer component.

Also shown is an estimate of how many Postgres connections that node can handle assuming default Postgres flags and usage. Unusually memory expensive queries or preloading Postgres catalog information will reduce the number of connections that can be supported.

Thus a 8 GiB node would be expected to be able support 530 tablet replicas and 65 (physical) typical Postgres connections. A universe of six of these nodes would be able to support 530 * 2 = 1,060 RF3 tablets and 65 * 6 = 570 typical physical Postgres connections assuming the connections are evenly distributed among the nodes.

Flags controlling the split of memory among processes

Note that in general these flags will have different values for TServer and master processes.


Maximum amount of memory this process should use in bytes, that is, its hard memory limit. A value of 0 specifies to instead use a percentage of the total system memory; see --default_memory_limit_to_ram_ratio for the percentage used. A value of -1 disables all memory limiting.

Default: 0


The percentage of available RAM to use for this process if --memory_limit_hard_bytes is 0. The special value -1000 means to instead use the default value for this flag. Available RAM excludes memory reserved by the kernel.

Default: 0.10 unless --use_memory_defaults_optimized_for_ysql is true.

Flags controlling the split of memory within a master process


Size of the shared RocksDB block cache (in bytes). A value of -1 specifies to instead use a percentage of this processes' hard memory limit; see --db_block_cache_size_percentage for the percentage used. A value of -2 disables the block cache.

Default: -1


Percentage of the process' hard memory limit to use for the shared RocksDB block cache if --db_block_cache_size_bytes is -1. The special value -1000 means to instead use the default value for this flag. The special value -3 means to use an older default that does not take the amount of RAM into account.

Default: 25 unless --use_memory_defaults_optimized_for_ysql is true.


Percentage of the process' hard memory limit to use for tablet-related overheads. A value of 0 means no limit. Must be between 0 and 100 inclusive. Exception: -1000 specifies to instead use the default value for this flag.

Each tablet replica generally requires 700 MiB of this memory.

Default: 0 unless --use_memory_defaults_optimized_for_ysql is true.

Raft flags

For a typical deployment, values used for Raft and the write ahead log (WAL) flags in yb-master configurations should match the values in yb-tserver configurations.


The duration, in seconds, after which a follower is considered to be failed because the leader has not received a heartbeat.

Default: 7200 (2 hours)

The --follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec value should match the value for --log_min_seconds_to_retain.


Failed followers will be evicted from the Raft group and the data will be re-replicated.

Default: false

Note that it is not recommended to set the flag to true for masters as you cannot automatically recover a failed master once it is evicted.


The maximum heartbeat periods that the leader can fail to heartbeat in before the leader is considered to be failed. The total failure timeout, in milliseconds, is --raft_heartbeat_interval_ms multiplied by --leader_failure_max_missed_heartbeat_periods.

For read replica clusters, set the value to 10 in all yb-tserver and yb-master configurations. Because the data is globally replicated, RPC latencies are higher. Use this flag to increase the failure detection interval in such a higher RPC latency deployment.

Default: 6


The leader lease duration, in milliseconds. A leader keeps establishing a new lease or extending the existing one with every consensus update. A new server is not allowed to serve as a leader (that is, serve up-to-date read requests or acknowledge write requests) until a lease of this duration has definitely expired on the old leader's side, or the old leader has explicitly acknowledged the new leader's lease.

This lease allows the leader to safely serve reads for the duration of its lease, even during a network partition. For more information, refer to Leader leases.

Leader lease duration should be longer than the heartbeat interval, and less than the multiple of --leader_failure_max_missed_heartbeat_periods multiplied by --raft_heartbeat_interval_ms.

Default: 2000


The heartbeat interval, in milliseconds, for Raft replication. The leader produces heartbeats to followers at this interval. The followers expect a heartbeat at this interval and consider a leader to have failed if it misses several in a row.

Default: 500

Write ahead log (WAL) flags

Ensure that values used for the write ahead log (WAL) in yb-master configurations match the values in yb-tserver configurations.


The directory where the yb-tserver retains WAL files. May be the same as one of the directories listed in --fs_data_dirs, but not a subdirectory of a data directory.

Default: Same as --fs_data_dirs


If set to false, the writes to the WAL are synced to disk every interval_durable_wal_write_ms milliseconds (ms) or every bytes_durable_wal_write_mb megabyte (MB), whichever comes first. This default setting is recommended only for multi-AZ or multi-region deployments where the availability zones (AZs) or regions are independent failure domains and there is not a risk of correlated power loss. For single AZ deployments, this flag should be set to true.

Default: false


When --durable_wal_write is false, writes to the WAL are synced to disk every --interval_durable_wal_write_ms or --bytes_durable_wal_write_mb, whichever comes first.

Default: 1000


When --durable_wal_write is false, writes to the WAL are synced to disk every --bytes_durable_wal_write_mb or --interval_durable_wal_write_ms, whichever comes first.

Default: 1


The minimum duration, in seconds, to retain WAL segments, regardless of durability requirements. WAL segments can be retained for a longer amount of time, if they are necessary for correct restart. This value should be set long enough such that a tablet server which has temporarily failed can be restarted in the given time period.

Default: 7200 (2 hours)

The --log_min_seconds_to_retain value should match the value for --follower_unavailable_considered_failed_sec.


The minimum number of WAL segments (files) to retain, regardless of durability requirements. The value must be at least 1.

Default: 2


The size, in megabytes (MB), of a WAL segment (file). When the WAL segment reaches the specified size, then a log rollover occurs and a new WAL segment file is created.

Default: 64


When the server restarts from a previous crash, if the tablet's last WAL file size is less than or equal to this threshold value, the last WAL file will be reused. Otherwise, WAL will allocate a new file at bootstrap. To disable WAL reuse, set the value to -1.

Default: The default value in 2.18.1 is -1 - feature is disabled by default. The default value starting from 2.19.1 is 524288 (0.5 MB) - feature is enabled by default.

Load balancing flags

For information on YB-Master load balancing, see Tablet assignments.

For load balancing commands in yb-admin, see Rebalancing commands (yb-admin).


Enables or disables the load balancing algorithm, to move tablets around.

Default: true


Specifies the number of leaders per tablet server to balance below. If this is configured to 0 (the default), the leaders will be balanced optimally at extra cost.

Default: 0


Specifies the period of time, in milliseconds, that a YB-Master can go without receiving a heartbeat from a YB-TServer before considering it unresponsive. Unresponsive servers are excluded from leader balancing.

Default: 3000 (3 seconds)


Specifies the maximum number of tablet peer replicas to add in a load balancer operations.

Default: 1


Specifies the maximum number of tablet leaders on tablet servers (across the cluster) to move in a load balancer operation.

Default: 2


Specifies the maximum number of tablet leaders per table to move in any one run of the load balancer. The maximum number of tablet leader moves across the cluster is still limited by the flag load_balancer_max_concurrent_moves. This flag is meant to prevent a single table from using all of the leader moves quota and starving other tables.

Default: 1


Specifies the maximum number of over-replicated tablet peer removals to do in a load balancer operation.

Default: 1


Specifies the maximum number of tablets being remote bootstrapped across the cluster.

Default: 10


Maximum number of tablets being remote bootstrapped for any table. The maximum number of remote bootstraps across the cluster is still limited by the flag load_balancer_max_concurrent_tablet_remote_bootstraps. This flag is meant to prevent a single table use all the available remote bootstrap sessions and starving other tables.

Default: 2


Specifies the maximum number of running tablet replicas that are allowed to be over the configured replication factor.

Default: 1


Specifies the number of idle runs of load balancer to deem it idle.

Default: 5


Should the LB skip a leader as a possible remove candidate.

Default: false

Sharding flags


The expected maximum clock skew, in microseconds (µs), between any two servers in your deployment.

Default: 500000 (500,000 µs = 500ms)


The number of replicas, or copies of data, to store for each tablet in the universe.

Default: 3


The number of shards (tablets) per YB-TServer for each YCQL table when a user table is created.

Default: -1, where the number of shards is determined at runtime, as follows:

  • If enable_automatic_tablet_splitting is true

    • The default value is considered as 1.
    • For servers with 4 CPU cores or less, the number of tablets for each table doesn't depend on the number of YB-TServers. Instead, for 2 CPU cores or less, 1 tablet per cluster is created; for 4 CPU cores or less, 2 tablets per cluster are created.
  • If enable_automatic_tablet_splitting is false

    • For servers with up to two CPU cores, the default value is considered as 4.
    • For three or more CPU cores, the default value is considered as 8.

Local cluster installations created using yb-ctl and yb-docker-ctl use a default value of 2 for this flag.

Clusters created using yugabyted always use a default value of 1.


  • This value must match on all yb-master and yb-tserver configurations of a YugabyteDB cluster.
  • If the value is set to Default (-1), then the system automatically determines an appropriate value based on the number of CPU cores and internally updates the flag with the intended value during startup prior to version 2.18 and the flag remains unchanged starting from version 2.18.
  • The CREATE TABLE ... WITH TABLETS = <num> clause can be used on a per-table basis to override the yb_num_shards_per_tserver value.

The number of shards (tablets) per YB-TServer for each YSQL table when a user table is created.

Default: -1, where the number of shards is determined at runtime, as follows:

  • If enable_automatic_tablet_splitting is true

    • The default value is considered as 1.
    • For servers with 4 CPU cores or less, the number of tablets for each table doesn't depend on the number of YB-TServers. Instead, for 2 CPU cores or less, 1 tablet per cluster is created; for 4 CPU cores or less, 2 tablets per cluster are created.
  • If enable_automatic_tablet_splitting is false

    • For servers with up to two CPU cores, the default value is considered as 2.
    • For servers with three or four CPU cores, the default value is considered as 4.
    • Beyond four cores, the default value is considered as 8.

Local cluster installations created using yb-ctl and yb-docker-ctl use a default value of 2 for this flag.

Clusters created using yugabyted always use a default value of 1.


  • This value must match on all yb-master and yb-tserver configurations of a YugabyteDB cluster.
  • If the value is set to Default (-1), the system automatically determines an appropriate value based on the number of CPU cores and internally updates the flag with the intended value during startup prior to version 2.18 and the flag remains unchanged starting from version 2.18.
  • The CREATE TABLE ...SPLIT INTO clause can be used on a per-table basis to override the ysql_num_shards_per_tserver value.

When enabled, all databases created in the cluster are colocated by default. If you enable the flag after creating a cluster, you need to restart the YB-Master and YB-TServer services.

For more details, see clusters in colocated tables.

Default: false


Enables/disables blocking of requests which would bring the total number of tablets in the system over a limit. For more information, see Tablet limits.

Default: false. No limits will be enforced if this is false.


If set, tablets will not be split if the total number of tablet replicas in the cluster after the split would exceed the limit after the split.

Default: false


The number of tablet replicas that each core on a YB-TServer can support.

Default: 0 for no limit.


The number of tablet replicas that each GiB reserved by YB-TServers for tablet overheads can support.

Default: 1024 * (7/10) (corresponding to an overhead of roughly 700 KiB per tablet)

Tablet splitting flags


The maximum number of tablets per tablet server that can be specified when creating a table. This also limits the number of tablets that can be created by tablet splitting.

Default: 50


Enables YugabyteDB to automatically split tablets, based on the specified tablet threshold sizes configured below.

Default: true


This value must match on all yb-master and yb-tserver configurations of a YugabyteDB cluster.

The threshold number of shards (per cluster node) in a table below which automatic tablet splitting will use --tablet_split_low_phase_size_threshold_bytes to determine which tablets to split.

Default: 1


The size threshold used to determine if a tablet should be split when the tablet's table is in the "low" phase of automatic tablet splitting. See --tablet_split_low_phase_shard_count_per_node.

Default: 128 MiB


The threshold number of shards (per cluster node) in a table below which automatic tablet splitting will use --tablet_split_high_phase_size_threshold_bytes to determine which tablets to split.

Default: 24


The size threshold used to determine if a tablet should be split when the tablet's table is in the "high" phase of automatic tablet splitting. See --tablet_split_high_phase_shard_count_per_node.

Default: 10 GiB


The size threshold used to determine if a tablet should be split even if the table's number of shards puts it past the "high phase".

Default: 100 GiB


The maximum number of tablets per table for tablet splitting. Limitation is disabled if this value is set to 0.

Default: 0


Total time to wait for tablet splitting to complete on a table on which a backfill is running before aborting the backfill and marking it as failed.

Default: 30


Delay before retrying to see if tablet splitting has completed on the table on which a backfill is running.

Default: 2000


The minimum time between automatic splitting attempts. The actual splitting time between runs is also affected by catalog_manager_bg_task_wait_ms, which controls how long the background tasks thread sleeps at the end of each loop.

Default: 0


Limits the number of total outstanding tablet splits. Limitation is disabled if value is set to 0. Limit includes tablets that are performing post-split compactions.

Default: 0


Limits the number of outstanding tablet splits per node. Limitation is disabled if value is set to 0. Limit includes tablets that are performing post-split compactions.

Default: 1


Enables automatic tablet splitting of tables covered by Point In Time Recovery schedules.

Default: true


Number of seconds between checks for whether to split a tablet with a default TTL. Checks are disabled if this value is set to 0.

Default: 86400


Number of seconds between checks for whether to split a tablet whose key range is too small to be split. Checks are disabled if this value is set to 0.

Default: 300


Determines whether to sort automatic split candidates from largest to smallest (prioritizing larger tablets for split).

Default: true


yb-admin --master_addresses <master-addresses> --tablet_force_split_size_threshold_bytes <bytes>
  • master-addresses: Comma-separated list of YB-Master hosts and ports. Default value is localhost:7100.
  • bytes: The threshold size, in bytes, after which tablets should be split. Default value of 0 disables automatic tablet splitting.

For details on automatic tablet splitting, see the following:

Geo-distribution flags

Settings related to managing geo-distributed clusters.


The name of the availability zone (AZ), or rack, where this instance is deployed.

Default: rack1


Name of the region or data center where this instance is deployed.

Default: datacenter1


Name of the cloud where this instance is deployed.

Default: cloud1


The unique identifier for the cluster.

Default: ""

-- use_private_ip

Determines when to use private IP addresses. Possible values are never (default),zone,cloud and region. Based on the values of the placement_* configuration flags.

Default: never


If true, transaction tables will be automatically created for any YSQL tablespace which has a placement and at least one other table in it.

Default: true

Security flags

For details on enabling server-to-server encryption, see Server-server encryption.


Directory that contains certificate authority, private key, and certificates for this server.

Default: "" (uses <data drive>/yb-data/master/data/certs.)


Allow insecure connections. Set to false to prevent any process with unencrypted communication from joining a cluster. Note that this flag requires the use_node_to_node_encryption to be enabled.

Default: true


Adds certificate entries, including IP addresses and hostnames, to log for handshake error messages. Enabling this flag is helpful for debugging certificate issues.

Default: false


Enables server-server or node-to-node encryption between YB-Master and YB-TServer servers in a cluster or universe. To work properly, all YB-Master servers must also have their --use_node_to_node_encryption flag enabled. When enabled, then --allow_insecure_connections flag must be disabled.

Default: false


Specify cipher lists for TLS 1.2 and earlier versions. (For TLS 1.3, use --ciphersuite.) Use a colon-separated list of TLS 1.2 cipher names in order of preference. Use an exclamation mark ( ! ) to exclude ciphers. For example:

--cipher_list DEFAULTS:!DES:!IDEA:!3DES:!RC2

This allows all ciphers for TLS 1.2 to be accepted, except those matching the category of ciphers omitted.

This flag requires a restart or rolling restart.


For more information, refer to SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list in the OpenSSL documentation.


Specify cipher lists for TLS 1.3. For TLS 1.2 and earlier, use --cipher_list.

Use a colon-separated list of TLS 1.3 ciphersuite names in order of preference. Use an exclamation mark ( ! ) to exclude ciphers. For example:

--ciphersuite DEFAULTS:!CHACHA20

This allows all ciphersuites for TLS 1.3 to be accepted, except CHACHA20 ciphers.

This flag requires a restart or rolling restart.


For more information, refer to SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list in the OpenSSL documentation.

Change data capture (CDC) flags

To learn about CDC, see Change data capture (CDC).

For information on other CDC configuration flags, see YB-TServer's CDC flags.


The number of tablets to use when creating the CDC state table. Used in both xCluster and CDCSDK.

Default: 0 (Use the same default number of tablets as for regular tables.)


WAL retention time, in seconds, to be used for tables for which a CDC stream was created. Used in both xCluster and CDCSDK.

Default: 14400 (4 hours)


Toggle automatic tablet splitting for tables in a CDCSDK stream, enhancing user control over replication processes.


By default, TRUNCATE commands on tables with an active CDCSDK stream will fail. Change this flag to true to enable truncating tables.

Default: false

Metric export flags

YB-Master metrics are available in Prometheus format at http://localhost:7000/prometheus-metrics.


This flag controls whether #TYPE and #HELP information is included as part of the Prometheus metrics output by default.

To override this flag on a per-scrape basis, set the URL parameter show_help to true to include, or to false to not include type and help information. For example, querying http://localhost:7000/prometheus-metrics?show_help=true returns type and help information regardless of the setting of this flag.

Default: true


Introduced in version, this flag limits the number of Prometheus metric entries returned per scrape. If adding a metric with all its entities exceeds this limit, all entries from that metric are excluded. This could result in fewer entries than the set limit.

To override this flag on a per-scrape basis, you can adjust the URL parameter max_metric_entries.

Default: UINT32_MAX

Catalog flags


Enable the per database catalog version mode. A DDL statement that affects the current database can only increment catalog version for that database.

Default: true


Previously, after a DDL statement is executed, if the DDL statement increments the catalog version, then all the existing connections need to refresh catalog caches before they execute the next statement. When per database catalog version mode is enabled, multiple DDL statements can be concurrently executed if each DDL only affects its current database and is executed in a separate database. Existing connections only need to refresh their catalog caches if they are connected to the same database as that of a DDL statement. It is recommended to keep the default value of this flag because per database catalog version mode helps to avoid unnecessary cross-database catalog cache refresh which is considered as an expensive operation.

If you encounter any issues caused by per database catalog version mode, you can disable per database catalog version mode using the following steps:

  1. Shut down the cluster.

  2. Start the cluster with --ysql_enable_db_catalog_version_mode=false.

  3. Execute the following YSQL statements:

    SET yb_non_ddl_txn_for_sys_tables_allowed=true;
    SELECT yb_fix_catalog_version_table(false);
    SET yb_non_ddl_txn_for_sys_tables_allowed=false;

To re-enable the per database catalog version mode, use the following steps:

  1. Execute the following YSQL statements:

    SET yb_non_ddl_txn_for_sys_tables_allowed=true;
    SELECT yb_fix_catalog_version_table(true);
    SET yb_non_ddl_txn_for_sys_tables_allowed=false;
  2. Shut down the cluster.

  3. Start the cluster with --ysql_enable_db_catalog_version_mode=true.


Whether to enable the use of heartbeat catalog versions cache for the pg_yb_catalog_version table which can help to reduce the number of reads from the table. This is beneficial when there are many databases and/or many yb-tservers in the cluster.

Note that enable_heartbeat_pg_catalog_versions_cache is only used when ysql_enable_db_catalog_version_mode is true.

Default: false


Each yb-tserver regularly sends a heartbeat request to the yb-master leader. As part of the heartbeat response, yb-master leader reads all the rows in the table pg_yb_catalog_version and sends the result back in the heartbeat response. As there is one row in the table pg_yb_catalog_version for each database, the cost of reading table pg_yb_catalog_version becomes more expensive when the number of yb-tservers, or the number of databases goes up.

Advanced flags


Deadline (in milliseconds) for each internal YB-Master to YB-TServer RPC for backfilling a chunk of the index.

Default: 60000 (1 minute)


Number of minutes to wait before no longer displaying a dead node (no heartbeat) in the YB-Master Admin UI (the node is presumed to have been removed from the cluster).

Default: 1440 (1 day)

Admin UI

The Admin UI for YB-Master is available at http://localhost:7000.


Home page of the YB-Master server that gives a high level overview of the cluster. Not all YB-Master servers in a cluster show identical information.



List of namespaces present in the cluster.



List of tables present in the cluster.


Tablet servers

List of all nodes (aka YB-TServer servers) present in the cluster.



List of all utilities available to debug the performance of the cluster.
